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Male Fit
Aloha Halihini
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Aloha Malihini Pack (644 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Beach Guy 1 (138 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Beach Guy 2 (156 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Blue Hawaii Shorts (105 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Green Hawaii Shorts (102 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
On the Beach (88 KB)
The Sims Required
Asian Inspired
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Asian Inspired Pack (445 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Bruce Lee Shirt (196 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Kung Foo (120 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Bright Boys
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Bright Boys Pack (703 KB)
The Sims Required
27 FEB 2023
Many of Squeegee's original images just didn't fit the new format and lacked the quality of images today. If available, Squeegee normally included these images in the zip files which have been left in for nostalgic purposes.
Heather took special care trying to embody the spirit of Squeegee's original images and hopefully that is well reflected in the set names as well. His skins often has some crazy name that he just put together from random words. Heather took a little more creative approach by grouping all of his skins into sets, some more cohesive than others. The images here are cut from the original images.
For information about each of Squeegee's skins, see the individual descriptions. His readme's always contained a plethora of information.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Catacomb Wacko (179 KB)
The Sims Required
02 MAR 02
This skin set "Catacomb Wacko" is one of the skin sets that I had made for the "Hot or Not" Maxis skins contest. This set as well as "Torquemada Tango" were entered without results. And so now I am releasing them to the public.
This skin set features leather pants and a black and yellow checkered sweater. Also, matching shoes (that sort of came out alright). What I really wanted to do is experiment on my ability to make wrinkles and shadows. And this skin reflects on what I did.
The clothing is not vintage, but more modern. As for the title? I was thinking about honey bee's and thought up "catacomb" and then thought "Wacko" would bring attention to the set. :)
This set uses default Maxis mesh "B003MAFit". So no fancy mesh crap files are needed.. ;)
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
3 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Mal de Mer (123 KB)
The Sims Required
31 AUG 02
Yet another skin set for the Sim male with a feminine look. Classic white pants with a light blue long sleeved shirt. An oversized belt with a brass buckle brings some character to the skin. Also, a multi-colored scarf around the neck gives the Sim the outgoing look. This outfit cries out a nautical theme.
"Mal De Mer" is French for "Sicksickness". The title came about after I showed my girlfriend the finished screenshots of the skin set and she mentioned the title. She also informed me that she took four years of French in school!! Anyway, the name stuck and I then placed to the side the title I was going to use ("Pet Dander") and will use that for another set in the near future.
This set uses the Maxis default mesh, "B003MAFit". This mesh uses the long pants, long shirt look. So no extra user created meshes are needed.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
For those who actually read these "readme" files. I am starting to work on a surprise to reward you. The surprise will be a skin set that will not be posted at any site and one would only be able to get it after I post the URL in the "readme" file.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
4 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Sim Taxi (174 KB)
The Sims Required
14 AUG 01
This skin set "Sim Taxi" was made several months ago when I had my skins featured at the now closed "The Sims Hideout". I am in the process of changing all of my older skin sets into the SimFreaks format. So, many of the people who might know of my work will recognize some of the skins as they are posted. They are pretty much the same skins as before and some will have minor corrections. But overall, they will be the same skins except for beign named differently.
I pretty much just made up the design of the t-shirt. The car image on the back of the shirt comes from one of those free clip art disc's. Now, if some kind soul could make a checker cab so that myself and others can have it parked in the neighborhood.. :)
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference.
5 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Trifecta (186 KB)
The Sims Required
03 MAR 02
"Trifecta" appears to resemble a fashion that might have been spawned in the late 60's or early 70's. But can you believe that this was a style in in 2000/2001?? It is...
The photo reference used was a recent image. I did make some major changes to the colorful jacket and also made the pants more yellow. The pants in the image were a lighter yellow (almost a cream) in color. I also added the silver quartz watch (default Maxis) as well as some black "penny loafer" shoes with white socks.
Granted, it sure doesn't look like a "tough male" style, but I bet there are some who would walk around wearing this. I would sure in the hell not!! But that is just me.. ;)
The name?? I had actually liked the name long before I made the skin set. So I have started to make a list of names that would make decent titles for skin sets. And so "Trifecta" is the first skin set that was name to fit the name and not the other way around.
This skin set uses default meshes and nothing fancy is needed.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
Casual Cool
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Casual Cool Pack (622 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Code Monkey (124 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Mama's Boy (128 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Preppy Player (107 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
United We Stand (118 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Woohoo Guy (118 KB)
The Sims Required
Easy Going
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Easy Going Pack (527 KB)
The Sims Required
27 FEB 2023
Many of Squeegee's original images just didn't fit the new format and lacked the quality of images today. If available, Squeegee normally included these images in the zip files which have been left in for nostalgic purposes.
Heather took special care trying to embody the spirit of Squeegee's original images and hopefully that is well reflected in the set names as well. His skins often has some crazy name that he just put together from random words. Heather took a little more creative approach by grouping all of his skins into sets, some more cohesive than others. The images here are cut from the original images.
For information about each of Squeegee's skins, see the individual descriptions. His readme's always contained a plethora of information.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Barking Spiders (122 KB)
The Sims Required
06 OCT 02
"Barking Spiders" features something new to my hobby. And that is the look of a long sleeved shirt or jacket with it's sleeves rolled up. The process did take longer then expected as I had wanted to get the look as real as I could. So the wrinkles and shadows PLUS the depth to the sleeved had to be just right. I was also at odds with trying to determine the length of the rolled up sleeves look. I tried above the elbow, and then below the elbow. But in each situation it just didn't look right for a leather jacket. So, I settled with the roll centered around the elbow itself. Testing (yes, I did test myself using a jacket) prooved to me that the jacket sleeves would fall to the elbow or be pushed up to the elbow anyway. So that is where I made it on the skin itself.
The skin features a light leather jacket. The jacket also features a zipper (yes, you can see it on the skin) and then some colored lines at the bottom. I was at odds on if I would include those lines. But they were also there on the photo reference I was using. I felt that they brought more color into the skin set. Green slacks as well as some dark work shoes finish off the skin. Also, a white knotted cloth braclet rounds out the details on the skin. :)
Now, why title this skin set "Barking Spiders" and how did I come by that name?? I just couldn't find a title for the set and "Barking Spiders" was on my list of names that I had already made up and they just needed to be assigned to a skin set. For the orgin of the name. Growing up, when my father would be doign things around the house or just watching TV and he would pass wind, he would yell out that I was to look around the room and look for those damned barking spiders. The name is another for farting.. ;)
This skin set uses the Maxis default mesh "B003MAFit". This mesh features long pants or slacks and a tight torso area that doesn't have areas that would restrict the skin from being used as just a short sleeve, long sleeve or a Sim wearing a jacket. The upper torso and arm area is sort of universal in that it's a great mesh to use to do what you want to the upper area.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
For those who actually read these "readme" files. I am starting to work on a surprise to reward you. The surprise will be a skin set that will not be posted at any site and one would only be able to get it after I post the URL in the "readme" file.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Captain Cook's Reward (136 KB)
The Sims Required
14 SEP 01
This skin set "Captain Cook's Reward" is a brand new set that I have made in the last week. I wanted to make a Hawaiian shirt that was not as nice looking as others. Because we all know that there are many bad dressers out there then there are good dressers. So this set was to reflect the typical hawaiian tourist who doesn't know his head from hole in the ground.. ;) At the end of the project, I did notice that the skin came out better then I thought. I guess that is a plus. Right?? :)
Wanted to thank my girlfriend for the title of this set. I had trouble trying to think of a name myself, so I asked her and this was the phrase that she had.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
4 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Green Foam (124 KB)
The Sims Required
28 JUL 02
"Green Foam" was made over a period of a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. It features a nice comfortable greenish/blueish short sleeved shirt with tan pants and white shoes. The clothing looks vintage, but it's actually made from images taken at a recent fashion show. Of course, I made soem changes so that the clothing would look good on the Sim body.
"Green Foam" was thought up from just taking a quick peek at the colors used in the shirt. When I look at the completed skin I get the tropical feeling with the tan beaches and clear water in some of those south pacific islands.
Now, this skin set uses Jerome's "Bj01MAFit" (SimStud1) mesh. In the skins that I made for this style mesh in the past I had no idea that the CMX file had errors in it. Mainly, that the file had references for a "BBCAP" (baseball cap). The images on Jerome's site for this mesh showed a Sim not wearing a cap nor was there any files related to a "BBCAP" (texture files or a SKN file for that cap) in the files. So I assumed that the mesh didn't need used a cap. Well, people emailed me telling the skins were crashing the game. With some research I was able to track it down to that "BBCAP" reference in the CMX file. I told Jerome about this error and he took the "BBCAP" reference out of the CMX file. So, please have the CMX files included in this ZIP rewrite the older CMX file named:
I am sorry to those who have always trusted the quality of my skins. I truely didn't know that the old CMX file even had any reference to any type of hat. If I had known, I would have taken steps to either rework and rename the skins to fit another styled mesh that didn't use a hat or not have made them period. But now since the error has been corrected, I feel more at ease and I hope you do as well.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
For those who actually read these "readme" files. I am starting to work on a surprise to reward you. The surprise will be a skin set that will not be posted at any site and one would only be able to get it after I post the URL in the "readme" file.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Olive Acrylic (118 KB)
The Sims Required
17 NOV 01
"Olive Acrylic" was made more then several months ago when I had my skins featured at the now closed "The Sims Hideout". I am still in the process of changing all of my older skin sets into the new SimFreaks format and style. So, many people who know of my work will recognize most of the older skins as they are posted. For the most part, they are the same skins as before. Only some will have minor corrections of flaws that I noticed in the skins AFTER they were released the first time. The majority of the skin sets will only be named differently and that is all.
"Olive Acrylic" was one of the very first skin sets that I had made following vintage styles. The shirt on the skin was modeled after a shirt shown in a older clothing ad. The lines are someone detailed, but at the time I did not know how to fade them into the color of the shirt more smoothly. The name was given to the set as what was described in the ad. Nothing special about the name at all. I didn't get more creative until a few skin sets AFTER this one.
This skin set and another were actually featured in a package I had titled "Vintage Collection: Part One". I have since seperated the two sets and now featuring them as two different lone sets.
Yes, there is a tattoo featured on the Sims right arm. But to be honest, I forgot what design I used for the tattoo. :(
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that I hope most will see that difference.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Easy Going Pack (147 KB)
The Sims Required
12 NOV 01
"Texas Longhorn" was made more then several months ago when I had my skins featured at the now closed "The Sims Hideout". I am still in the process of changing all of my older skin sets into the new SimFreaks format and style. So, many people who know of my work will recognize most of the older skins as they are posted. For the most part, they are the same skins as before. Only some will have minor corrections of flaws that I noticed in the skins AFTER they were released the first time. The majority of the skin sets will only be named differently and that is all.
This set was made for the release of House Party and the themed clothing that came with it. At the time I made several different themed sets in hopes that one of the sets would make it into the expansion pack CD. But, that did not happen. So, I then released all the sets on the website.
"Texas Longhorn" skin set was modeled after a few western styled shirts that I had noticed online. I also added in the "seafood platter" buckle that features a silver and gold steer skull in the center of the buckle. The belt itself features silver and leather and was actually a vintage belt that I found online. I thought that it improved the look of the skin 110%. As for the name, well it's western.. :)
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that I hope most will see that difference.
Hunky Tees
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Hunky Tees Pack (501 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
American Eagle (135 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Frat Boy (120 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monkey See (126 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
USA Guy (122 KB)
The Sims Required
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JB the Man
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Keen Pack (501 KB)
The Sims Required
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JB the Man
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Abercrombie Sweater Pack (501 KB)
The Sims Required
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JB the Man
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
AE Rugby (47 KB)
The Sims Required
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JB the Man
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Busted Khakis (49 KB)
The Sims Required
Leather Jackets
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Leather Jackets Pack (318 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Black Leather Jacket (107 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Blue Leather Jacket (107 KB)
The Sims Required
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JB the Man
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Brown Leather Jacket (106 KB)
The Sims Required
Loud & Proud
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3D Body Mesh
Doctor Frankensim
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Loud & Proud Pack (795 KB)
The Sims Required
27 FEB 2023
Many of Squeegee's original images just didn't fit the new format and lacked the quality of images today. If available, Squeegee normally included these images in the zip files which have been left in for nostalgic purposes.
Heather took special care trying to embody the spirit of Squeegee's original images and hopefully that is well reflected in the set names as well. His skins often has some crazy name that he just put together from random words. Heather took a little more creative approach by grouping all of his skins into sets, some more cohesive than others. She also reshot many screens which took a painful amount of hours. We hope you emjoy them visuals.
For information about each of Squeegee's skins, see the individual descriptions. His readme's always contained a plethora of information.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
8-29-66 (117 KB)
The Sims Required
30 OCT 01
"8-29-66" was made more then several months ago when I had my skins featured at the now closed "The Sims Hideout". I am still in the process of changing all of my older skin sets into the new SimFreaks format and style. So, many people who know of my work will recognize most of the older skins as they are posted. For the most part, they are the same skins as before. Only some will have minor corrections of flaws that I noticed in the skins AFTER they were released the first time. The majority of the skin sets will only be named differently and that is all.
The style and design of the shirt was taken from a 1960's era print. I did make a large amount of improvements to the shirt to best get out the groovy colors. I added in the necklace, and some might be able to spot out what symbol is on the necklace itself. I won't give it away...
As for the title?? It's an important date in music history. That's another secret I will not give away at a drop of the hat. ;)
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that I hope most will see that difference.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Dementia & Denial (117 KB)
The Sims Required
16 APR 02
"Denial & Dementia" is a colorful example of what I seem to be good at. I don't know what the hell I am doing, but my skins are starting to be more colorful each and every time. Maybe, subliminal voices are tell me to make skins that stand out more in the game and also I am trying to get more attention. Who knows.. I just know that this skin is one of my better ones that make use of many colors.
As you can see, the spectrum of purple is used in this set. The shirt says "look at me" and the pants were fiddled with to make them look like crushed velvet. Around the neck there are a few different necklaces including turquise (sp?) as well as a purple scarf worn. Now, I would not be caught dead wearing this. But who knows on if a Sim might enjoy wearing this and getting the attention that they deserve!!
The title comes from a few words that I joined together and that they were in no way related to the skins set as I was making it. At times, I just come by words that I would think would make a great skin set title and I will save them in advance and then assign them to a skin set after I complete it. The title is not meant to offend. The titles of my skin sets are made for people to (1) Remember them, (2) they are unique enough so people can look forward to what comes next, (3) so people can maybe look up the titles and learn more. This is the exact reason I titled this skin set as such. The fact is that Dementia and Denial are killers if added together. If a person reads about the disease and takes to mind that maybe they have it. Then maybe they can start preventive treatment with a Doctor. Below are links to some articles about Dementia. As you will see, there are warning signs that can be noticed and ways to hamper the advancement. But the real situation is trying to get past the denial which has to be the major killer of us all really. You can see the wall of denial in every part of life especially when it comes to a person's health.
As for the diease in my personal life?? I know some who seem to be suffering from the early stages of the disease. But they are in the denial part of it and tend to cause hell if anyone was to mention anything to them. The casual version (long sleeved shirt/pants) of this set is featured over at 8th Deadly Sim ( http://www.8thdeadlysim.com ). And it's titled almost the same as this set "Denial & Dementia".
This skin set does NOT require a 3rd party mesh. So all can enjoy it.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
4 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Molokai Mollusk (168 KB)
The Sims Required
21 JAN 02
This skin set "Molokai Mollusk" is a brand new skin set. I am still on this Hawaiian shirt theme right now. This new skin is no exception. This new skin set features a new jean pants material. I had decided that the Maxis default jean look as well as the jeans shown in the official Maxis skins tutorial was just lacking in some way. So I did some research and then started on some new jeans. With a large amount of tweaking and such I was able to come up with the jeans featured in this skin set. Granted the jeans featured in this set are shown as black jeans, but the ones that I made look like a newer blue pair. I just removed the blue tint to the jeans featured in this set.
The Hawaiian shirt is vintage 1970's. This skin set uses Jerome's "Sim Stud" mesh (Bj01MAFit).
The title of this skin set is odd, but I think everyone can understand how I came up with it. Molokai is Hawaiian, and because the mesh appears to show lots of Sim that appears to have been on steriods. Then I thought of "mussel" as in the sea creature. But, I felt that since the mussel is in the Mollusk family, then that would be better. ;) So "Molokai Mollusk" was the final title.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
5 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Moondoggie's Revenge (253 KB)
The Sims Required
05 JAN 01
This skin set "Moondoggie's Revenge" includes two different skins that feature the same Hawaiian shirt. One features the "B687MAFit" mesh which is the "slacker" mesh and the other uses the common "B002MAFit" Maxis mesh which wears pants.
The Hawaiian shirt features images of a green surfer in action. The green wave reminds me of the glowing foam that one can see when at sea at night. The design of the shirt is vintage dating to the 1950's.
The name?? I got stuck on trying to title this set with a creative name. So I asked for suggestions from the SimFreaks staff and this was the end result. Many thanks to them for helping me out on this.
One style mesh is the House Party "Slacker" made by Doctor Frankensim. Doctor Frankensim has always made working copies of the default meshes in the game so that we can use them. I am grateful to him for this favor that he does. His site recently closed down, but you can still obtain his creations if you buy his CD.
I am working on more Hawaiian themed clothing for both males and females. I will also try and make it a point to make childrens attire in this same theme as well.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that I hope most will see that difference.
6 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Twinkie Defense (795 KB)
The Sims Required
25 AUG 02
"Twinkie Defense" is a colorful addition to the Sim male wardrobe. It features a olive drab colored sweater as well as pants that have a sunflower design on them. Matching scarf finishes off the look. I also tried my best to make some snake skin boots with matching belt. But I think that the texture and design of the snake skin was not "up to par" so to speak. I think I could have made the scales on the skin more noticeable. This skin set has a more feminine appearance for your male Sim. :)
Reasoning behind the title "Twinkie Defense"? Many might remember the killings of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978 by city supervisor Dan White. Well, there was a urban legend started that White's defense was going to use the defense that Dan White had a sugar high from eating large amounts of Twinkie's and other junk foods. It might have sounded funny to use that type of defense in 1978. But, in 2002 I would not be surprised at anyone using a defense like that after being caught in any type of crime. We are currently watching people go to court using all types of excuses to somehow blame others for the crimes that they commit. Everything from suing a fast food joint because you spilled hot coffee on you to other obsurd tactics. It boils down to a "me, me, me" type of of culture and people thinking that suing is the best way to gain riches.
Link to the background of the Twinkie Defense urban legend:
This set uses the Maxis default mesh, "B003MAFit". This mesh uses the long pants, long shirt look.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
Male M Size Skins
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3D Body Mesh
Doctor Frankensim
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Male M Size Skins Pack (415 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Alone At Home (100 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Aztec Eagle (77 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Into Fashion (80 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Punkish Poof Boys (84 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
The Coil (80 KB)
The Sims Required
Men's Pants
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Men's Pants Pack (474 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Dark Uffo (89 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Fire Alarm (89 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Gamuza (123 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Spiderwebs (87 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
The 23 (85 KB)
The Sims Required
Mister Tees
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Mister Tees Pack (776 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Dracula VS the Mime (133 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Fujimori Male (139 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Jilly the Corgi (128 KB)
The Sims Required
Mixed Bag
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Mixed Bag Pack (493 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Bloody Rosemary (114 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Business Man (103 KB)
The Sims Required
Each skin tone comes in it's own color.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Denmark (127 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Fisher (138 KB)
The Sims Required
Monochrome Men
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monochrome Men Pack (786 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monochrome Men 1 (130 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monochrome Men 2 (130 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monochrome Men 3 (211 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monochrome Men 4 (128 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Monochrome Men 5 (161 KB)
The Sims Required
Muscle Men
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Muscle Men Pack (836 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Got Skills (151 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Muscle Men Pack (122 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Super Hunky (140 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Tough Nugget (145 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Hunkalicious (109 KB)
The Sims Required
Night Clubbin'
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Night Clubbin' Pack (836 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Fine Lookin' (136 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Go Clubbin' (136 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Mmm Good (140 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Smarty Pants (142 KB)
The Sims Required
Novel Tees
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Novel Tees Pack (807 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Ape Tee Pack (140 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Black Tee (110 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Graphic Tee (126 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Graphic Tee (126 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Red Tee & Cargo Pants (130 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Ringer Tee (141 KB)
The Sims Required
Radio Chemistry
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Radio Chemistry Pack (732 KB)
The Sims Required
27 FEB 2023
Many of Squeegee's original images just didn't fit the new format and lacked the quality of images today. If available, Squeegee normally included these images in the zip files which have been left in for nostalgic purposes.
Heather took special care trying to embody the spirit of Squeegee's original images and hopefully that is well reflected in the set names as well. His skins often has some crazy name that he just put together from random words. Heather took a little more creative approach by grouping all of his skins into sets, some more cohesive than others. She also reshot many screens which took a painful amount of hours. We hope you emjoy them visuals.
For information about each of Squeegee's skins, see the individual descriptions. His readme's always contained a plethora of information.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Diamond Head (173 KB)
The Sims Required
16 FEB 03
After a long vacation from skinning I have made this skin set titled "Diamond Head". It's named after the inactive volcano located near Waikiki on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
"Diamond Head" features a clean cut looking male sim with a "beefed up" body. Black levi's and a nice green and black hawaiian shirt at to the vivid look. I also decided to add in the rolled up pant leg at the base of the trousers in an attempt to give the skin the 50's look. I really don't think I pulled it off. But it does give the skin some character. The set uses the "Bj01MAFit" (SimStud1) mesh by Jerome.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
For those who actually read these "readme" files. I am starting to work on a surprise to reward you. The surprise will be a skin set that will not be posted at any site and one would only be able to get it after I post the URL in the "readme" file.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
3 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Ironic Twist (156 KB)
The Sims Required
28 APR 02
"Ironic Twist" is a modern style of fashion for the adult male. The photo references that I used were taken at a recent fashion show that could only be a few years old (if that). The sweater shows sort of a urban camouflage look. That's what the fabric looked like on the actual sweater. I also tried to re-create the tutleneck style on the skin. But it was just not coming out right. So I settled for what you see now. To be honest, the colors used on the sweater are butt-ugly. But, Sims don't have a good taste of fashion most of the time. Right?
The title of the set isn't anything fancy. It's nothing more then a phrase I used while I was thinking to myself while riding the train home from work.
The set uses the default Maxis "B003MAFit" mesh. So it's not complex at all.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
For those who actually read these "readme" files. I am starting to work on a surprise to reward you. The surprise will be a skin set that will not be posted at any site and one would only be able to get it after I post the URL in the "readme" file.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
4 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
PsychosisMildew (159 KB)
The Sims Required
26 MAY 02
"Psychosis Mildew" was completed over a period of two days during Memorial Day weekend 2002. It was one of the more simple skin sets to complete. The only difficult area was that of the suspenders and where the front and back up in the shoulder area. That alone made me change the mesh to be used from the "B012MASkn" to "B002MAFit". For some reason, the area near the shoulders on the "skinny" mesh tend to be really funky. It's fine if the area is all one solid color. But something like suspenders with straight lines just doesn't cut it. The photo reference used on this mesh is modern day. And yes, it did also have a ugly painted design on the t-shirts well. :)
"Psychosis Mildew" was taken from two random words in the dictionary. And it worked.. :)
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point tospend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details )like uneven yet realistic hemlines*; don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
For those who actually read these "readme" files. I am starting to work on a surprise to reward you. The surprise will be a skin set that will not be posted at any site and one would only be able to get it after I post the URL in the "readme" file. )I am currently working in the skin set as I type this*.
I also want to thank Suzanne at Stylissimode.com for the public use of the poses that you might see in the screenshots that I make. To date, she makes the most live-like poses I have ever seen. When I do use her poses, I will state as such on the images themselves. Thank you Suzanne!!
5 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Tuesday Morning Sweats (193 KB)
The Sims Required
11 SEP 01
This skin set "Tuesday Morning Sweats" was made several months ago when I had my skins featured at the now closed "The Sims Hideout". I am in the process of changing all of my older skin sets into the SimFreaks format. So, many of the people who might know of my work will recognize some of the skins as they are posted. They are pretty much the same skins as before and some will have minor corrections. But overall, they will be the same skins except for being named differently.
This 1970's style disco attire was made to honor the expansion pack "House Party" and the disco theme that was included. I had intended to make some "not so nice" looking because to do know that many in the disco era did not dress good. So, this skin (and more) will reflect this. Yes, it's true that not all the people dressed like they did in Saturday Night Fever. Because of the title of the movie and my wish to make mistmatched disco skin sets. I titled this "Tuesday Morning Sweats". Garb worn by the not so rich and famous but still wearing the cheaper disco shirts and bell bottoms.. :)
Skin mesh files (the CMX and SKN files) are from Jenny's Sim Stuff:
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that I hope most will see that difference.
Shorts Sighted
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Short Sighted Pack (536 KB)
The Sims Required
27 FEB 2023
Many of Squeegee's original images just didn't fit the new format and lacked the quality of images today. If available, Squeegee normally included these images in the zip files which have been left in for nostalgic purposes.
Heather took special care trying to embody the spirit of Squeegee's original images and hopefully that is well reflected in the set names as well. His skins often has some crazy name that he just put together from random words. Heather took a little more creative approach by grouping all of his skins into sets, some more cohesive than others. She also reshot many screens which took a painful amount of hours. We hope you emjoy them visuals.
For information about each of Squeegee's skins, see the individual descriptions. His readme's always contained a plethora of information.
2 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Cellophane Charlie (180 KB)
The Sims Required
12 MAR 02
"Cellophane Charlie" was title before it was a skin set. It's another type of those situations when I found of a unique title and then had to find a type of skin look that would fit it. This was the finished result.
Featured is a vintage (1960's) Hawaiian shirt with other clothing matching the main colors used. In this case it was brown. So I made matching brown shorts and even made the strap on the watch a brownish tint as well. At the base of the skin set are white shoes with matching white shoe laces. Socks are those usual tube socks with a light red set of stripes.
I can not recall the exact amount. But I have pretty much made a nice assortment of Hawaiian themed skins for both the male and female Sim adult. I just have to get cracking on working on the children as well.
The title?? One of those situations where the title was finished before the skin set was ever started. I am not sure how I added the two words of the title together. But I felt that it was unique.
The mesh "B678MAFit" is actually a renamed Maxis NPC mesh that was made about a year ago by Doctor Frankensim. His website is no longer active and his things are not longer accessible except if one wants to buy the CD that contains his website.
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that most will see that difference. Granted, most of the details (like uneven yet realistic hemlines) don't appear in the game itself due to the angles. But the user can take heart that it's there.
3 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Lavender Isle (140 KB)
The Sims Required
28 SEP 01
"Lavender Isle" is a brand new skin set that I made all within a few days span this last week of September. I made this skin after finishing up "Vivid Five-0" for release. Since "Hot Date" features a beach area I thought it would be best if I made some nice Hawaiian styled clothing for the Sims as they go on the numerous dates.
I loved making this skin set because of the details in the Hawaiian shirt itself. The user can actually see the shape of Diamond Head that is right off Waikiki Beach in the shirt itself. The photo reference I used was VERY detailed to a point that I only had to make minor corrections and add in some additions to give it a realistic appearance.
The style mesh is the House Party "Slacker" made by Doctor Frankensim. Doctor Frankensim has always made working copies of the default meshes in the game so that we can use them. I am grateful to him for this favor that he does.
Why "Lavender Isle"? The color and the fact that the Hawaiian Islands are in the middle of the Pacific. ;)
4 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Timeshare Retirement (180 KB)
The Sims Required
23 May 01
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Vivid Five-0 (180 KB)
The Sims Required
26 SEP 01
This skin set "Vivid Five-0" was made numerous months ago when I had my skins featured at the now closed "The Sims Hideout". I am in the process of changing all of my older skin sets into the SimFreaks format. So, many of the people who might know of my work will recognize some of the skins as they are posted. They are pretty much the same skins as before and some will have minor corrections. But overall, they will be the same skins except for being named differently.
I made this skin set at the same time that "House Party" was released to the general public. I just thought I would make a hawaiian shirt that would stand out from all the others. The type of shirt that would yell out "look at me" and that would turn all the Sim heads at any Sim gathering.
The style and design of the hawaiian shirt is recent. Nothing "vintage" about it. I did spend a large amount of time touching up the design on the shirt so that it would show the details that would do it justice. I do think that the shirt in the photo reference is about 10 or 15 years old.
The style mesh is the House Party "Slacker" made by Doctor Frankensim. Doctor Frankensim has always made working copies of the default meshes in the game so that we can use them. I am grateful to him for this favor that he does.
I am currently making more "vivid" styled hawaiian attire that will also use this same mesh style. As far as the title of this skin set. I felt that the colors used were vivid. And since the TV show "Hawaii Five-0" was filmed in the lands of the style of shirt. I came out with "Vivid Five-0".
I strive to make skins that speak for themselves. I make it a point to spend more time with the skins so that they show attention to detail. So much detail that I hope most will see that difference.
Stylin' Guys 2
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Stylin' Guys 2 Pack (469 KB)
The Sims Required
2 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Deep Red (86 KB)
The Sims Required
3 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Frozen (77 KB)
The Sims Required
4 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Morning Walk (86 KB)
The Sims Required
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Silver & Cold (108 KB)
The Sims Required
6 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Winter Fog (105 KB)
The Sims Required
Summer Shorts
1 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Summer Shorts Pack TS + HD (891 KB)
The Sims Required
Bang Bang Guy HD file included.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Bang Bang Guy TS (211 KB)
The Sims Required
Bang Bang Guy HD (211 KB)
Hot Date Required
Originally made as daily wear and in only one skin tone, Heather added the other skin tones and converted this to Hot Date Lingerie.
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3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
QS Red Tee 'n' Khaki Cargo (147 KB)
The Sims Required
4 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Yellow Hawaiian Shirt (126 KB)
The Sims Required
5 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Graphic Tank (140 KB)
The Sims Required
6 / 6
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Hooded Zip Sweater (118 KB)
The Sims Required
Vermilion Delirium
1 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Vermilion Delirium Pack (713 KB)
The Sims Required
2 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Fine Lookin' (172 KB)
The Sims Required
3 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Placebo Genius (136 KB)
The Sims Required
4 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Rising Sun (153 KB)
The Sims Required
5 / 5
3D Body Mesh
Available in Light, Medium and Dark skintones
Squeegee (169 KB)
The Sims Required