Body Meshes for Sims 1 hosted by
Body Meshes for Sims 1 hosted by

News Archive


Apology to Everyone.

Ok, First I owe everyone an apology who visits my site regulary. It has been too long since I have placed my last update. But well if you visit SimFreaks a lot (and you do of course) you will know what I have been doing lately. I am still active on Sim stuff so don't worry. In the past month I was busy making the Grinch, an entire snowfamily. Santa's in all possible sizes, handbags, skiers.... well too much to mention. All because SimFreaks has hitted the Maxis SpotLite again. And honest they deserve it don't they?

Anyway, I still should have updated this site much more often. The platform shoes should be online. So do several Child meshes. Only I don't have any suitable skins at the moment to show them. Everyone is busy having thye X-Mass stuff ready in time. I hope I can update them as soon as possible. So please be patient.



Big Site Update.

OK, time for a big site update. What have I done the last two weeks. First as I promised some old meshes are made available for download. I have recieved lots of requests for the high heeled meshes that were available at SimLane. However I rather see you guys using my newer version it is possible you still want to use the old ones. Some beautifull SimBabes still require the old high heeld meshes. For most of them you can update the old versions to new ones, I have created patches for them. Download the patch and extract the ZIP in your SKINS directory overwrite any other file. Besides that there were some special high heel meshes that are not compatable with default Maxis skins. If you REALLY REALLY need these meshes you can download them as well. Visit the additionalHeels area when you still use my old stuff.

More old stuff: I once created a block heel mesh with a new dress lenght. Somewhere between thye mini b200 and the b008 dresses. Personally I liked this dress from the beginning. During SimLane it was masterly skinned by SimplyDariene. So I suspect a lot of people have downloaded this mesh. If you want you can download the mesh at the Blockheels mesh area. The skin is not included, don't ask me for the original SimLane skins, I can't provide them.

This supposed to be a "Big Site Update", so I hear you asking: "What is new? You have only mentioned old stuff!". Well nothing for download really. Only I have almost every request in the Development area!. Well not such a big update for you, but it is definatly for me, because that means the skinners are working on them right now. Among them are some kids outfits and the HIGHLY REQUESTED PLATFORMS! Consequently it gives me more room to place some new requests on the List. So that's it, but I hope to get back to you very soon with final versions of the meshes.



Blockheels are available.

The Blockheels are finished. You can find them at the mesh area. They are requested by various persons. More than I can remember. I have asked Veronica from SimFreaks to make some meshes and she did a wonderfull job. I will redirect you to Veronica when downloading the meshes. Furthermore there is some progress on the dresses still in the development state.

I am working on making my old meshes available as well I noticed there are still some people who need them. However I rather see everyone uses the new ones though.



New mesh released.

A new bodymesh is released and available in the Meshes area. It was not an easy mesh but I like the result very much of this BUSTLEDRESS. If you want to skin this mesh please be sure to read the "Skinners Note" included with the Zip. Thanks for Elstone at The Sims Tattoo Parlor. You can get more there as well.

Besides that, I am working on the block heels project. These meshes are one of the most requested. I have asked SimFreaks members to create the skins for them. As soon they are done with it they will be released to you all. Just be patience, they can be ready any moment.



New menu item added to the site.

I am happy to announce the first requests are complete. To present the stuff I have added a new menu item. You can find Meshes in the list. There are three dresses and one skirt for you to download. To avoid things become too complex I didn't include any skins. You can download the skins that are used at the sites mentioned. You can get more there as well. Thanks for Elstone at The Sims Tattoo Parlor.and Hanna at SimSisters for having the first requests online. I really like the work of your two.



Heels for Skinny and Fat Females available.

On request most common used meshes for both Skinny and Fat of female body types are available in High heeled version. Check the Heels area. From now on you can choose between the original version and the high heeled version for all your regular FaFat and FaSkn skins as well. Just unzip the files in your skins directory. Now go to the family creation screen or use the wardrobe on your exsisting Sims. You will find the skin TWO times. One with and one without the high heels. Just scroll through them until you find the one you desire to use. Using the new meshes for your own work is easier than ever. Since they are all fully compatible with most of regular skins, you don't have to modify any of them. Just link back to me when you decide to use the meshes to present your work.

Some more requests are plavced in the development area check them out in the request development area.



A request is added in the development area.

Okay, you know probably all about the big project now. I guess you didn't mind I was working on that and not on the requests :-). But now I can continu my plans for this site. I have one request ready: "Dresses short at front, long at the back side". You can find a preview in the request development area. I am still searching for a way how to upload the final results on the site. I must have a skin of course, but as you know I am not really a skinner. In the meantime you might want to take a look at the skin layout. I think I will give the requester the first oportunity to skin this mesh. If he or she is not willing or able to do that, it is free for the general public. After I have a good skin for the mesh, it will placed in the finished requests area.



Sorry for the lack of updates.

I am really sorry for the lack of updates. I really wanted to fill in requests. But as I said on 2000-10-04 there are some very interesting projects going on. Again I can't tell you anything. But you will find out when time has come. You will definately understand the reason. I promise you to work on the requests as soon as possible.



High Heels for every Fit type Female!.

The High Heels project has finished. Check the Heels area. From now on you can choose between the original version and the high heeled version for all your regular FaFit skins. Just unzip the files in your skins directory. Now go to the family creation screen or use the wardrobe on your exsisting Sims. You will find the skin TWO times. One with and one without the high heels. Just scroll through them until you find the one you desire to use. Using the new meshes for your own work is easier than ever. Since they are all fully compatible with most of regular skins, you don't have to modify any of them. Just link back to me when you decide to use the meshes to present your work.

The request list is still growing. Thank you all for your input. Guess it is time for me to get to work :-). Anyways be sure your request is a meshing one. I won't do any skinning, so don't give me requests for colors or something. PSSST: Don't tell any further but between us:.... I am a bad skinner, I would be banned from the community if I will try. Hmm, well not that bad, just there are much better skinner outthere, among you.



Update on the High Heels.

The High Heels project has progress. There are yet 12 different meshes in testing phase. I have made some previews available for you at the Heels area. Check them out to see what you will get. Now all heels are compatable with the corresponding Maxis skins, without any editting! Also there is a new dress lenght. The long awaited 3/4 midiskirt. This one is based on the Hypnotist mesh from Livin' Large. I suspect all will be available for downloading soon.



Great to be back.

I like to thank everyone who supported me during the downfall of SimLane. I recieved much mail from people who wanted to share their happyness about my new home.

I am working on a remake of the heels meshes. Not that I have lost the originals (Please DON'T mail them to me, you all!!!). But those were my first meshes and some improvements will be in place. I will post them at this site when ready.

As you can see I have made severe cosmetic changes. But I intent to do something more. From now on I will update you with this news page about the progress of some of my projects. I have already some interesting projects going on in cooperation with SimFreaks. I can't say anything about that for the moment.

On request I have created a girls vesion of the ball gown. I recieve such requests very often. Therefore I have added a menu-item called quot;Requests". Well, it is still empty at the moment so feel free to mail me with your ideas. If I decide to create it, it will finally be available for download there.
