I almost have it finished. The next pages may be a bit of a challenge. So far only one page per mesh session is showing up. The old navigation system just doesn't work anymore. Will keep you updated.
I've made significant progress on the navigation system. Expect a beta version soon!
Since Jerome has moved on to other projects, his site has not been touched. Unfortunately, this left a little bit of a mess for me, since the site setup wasn't documented, so I'm currently cleaning it up and will probably update the site in the process, since I don't know what else to do with it! Please be patient as I work on fixing it!
Yes that's right, an update! This time I have 12 cool meshes for you. In cooperation with the Runway Dreamz team, these meshes are created by combining some of the most popular meshes into new ones. These so-called "customized meshes" were requested quite a couple of times. You can find them under meshes. Hope you won't have to wait that long for the next update.
I have some great news for all Italian (aspirant) mesh creators among you. All the guides are now available in Italian! Thanks to Claudia who did an incredible job in translating them. You can find her work following this link.
Claudia has also shared her thoughts on the translation process. Check out her message below!
Qual'è la cosa più bella del nostro amato videogame? Naturalmente il fatto di poterlo personalizzare come vogliamo...non lo pensate anche voi? Grazie alle spiegazioni di Jerome possiamo anche personalizzare i nostri personaggi...vi sembra poco? Ho deciso di tradurlo perchè era l'unico modo di imparare a creare queste meraviglie...non sarò mai brava come lui, ma non vedo l'ora di mettermi all'opera! Se avete bisogno di aiuto o la traduzione non è chiara in qualche punto contattatemi webmistressiss@katamail.it.
Finally!!! an update! I know I am far too much behind schedule and should be updating this place months ago. But I will try to make up with you guys. A couple things are changed on this site:
It will be too much to specify all the new meshes here, but I can link you to a preview where you can see their thumbnails. Thanks for your patience and happy skinning.
This time I have some various updates, you might recognize some meshes if they appeared somewhere on SimFreaks before. Skins are not included. Find the updates in the following sections:
Happy Skinning!