Hook 'Em Horns |

Part I Set (511 KB) TS HD

Horn Lamp TS HD

Cow Sofa TS
Painting TS
Buffalo Table Set TS
Buffalo Rug TS

Heather - tables, painting, lamp
Heather & Teresa - buffalo rug, cow sofa |
Hook 'Em Horns Part I
A Tale from the Wild West
Before the west was won, Buffalo Bob was lost on a search for the Great Brown
Buffalo of Big Bull, little did he know that was exactly what he was going
to find, a bunch of bull. The other cowboys laughed at Buffalo Bob and he rode
off in search of the great buffalo. When he retur ned with a white one, he
hung his head in shame and embarrassment. He dyed it brown before anyone saw
it and thus gained a slight ounce of fleeting respect from the towns folk.
He turned the lovely buffalo into a great rug.
Aimlessly, his life led him on many adventures, the search for the lucky cow patties, the buffalo maulings at Big Horn, which he was the only survivor. His trophies now adorn his home as furnishings. Buffalo end tables, horn lamps, horn and hide sofas, the great buffalo rug and paintings that remind him of days gone by.
Hook 'Em Horns Part II |

Part II Set (1.21MB) TS HD

Wallpaper #1 TS
Wallpaper #1b TS
Floor #1 TS

Double Bed TS
Floor Lamp TS HD
Painting #2 TS
Cowboy Boots TS

Heather - walls & floors, lamp, painting, boots
Heather & Teresa - bed
(Teresa did the hard part hehe) |