Hook 'Em Horns Part II
The Newbiest Cowboy
Buffalo Bob was the newbiest cowboy to ever live in these here parts of the wild west. He rode ole Buckwheat across untamed territory in search of trophies for his home, such as a fine stick lantern hanger of yesteryear, updated into a fun lamp, a matching painting to create a set, and a fancy bed to rest your head after a hard day of riding or hunting. Rustic walls to add flavor to your home with one wall and floor set as a freebie today!
Legend has it that you at night, you can still here the sound of Buffalo stampeding around his tombstone. |
Hook 'Em Horns III |

Part III Set (0.98 MB) TS

Twin Bed TS

Tibetan Rustic Chair TS
Desk TS
Dresser (Enhanced) TS
Newspaper Rack TS

Heather - Desk, Bed, Chair, Dresser, Newspaper Rack
Teresa - Newspaper Rack Base |
Hook 'Em Horns Part III
The Newbiest Cowboy Gets Hitched
When he road into town on the back of that ole swayback, folks shuddered at the site of him. Nobody dared look him in the eye, for fear he might try to befriend them.
He dismounted that horse like a man suffering from saddlesore as he mozied up to the Saloon for a swig or three.
When he walked in everyone glance his way, toward the smell of a crusty cowboy.
The tawdry ladies didn't pay him no mind as his beer gut and rough face left no room for desire, but Barstool Betty didn't mind so much after a bottle of rum.
Quick to trigger, Buffalo Bob worked what little charm he had and Barstool Betty fell for it like a racoon to a cat's bowl. She'd done used up all her chances of ever swaying the hearts of any of the local fellas an' here was her chance now to snag her up a man to pay for her drink.
In a blur, they were standing in front of the judge an' joined together as man an' wife, perhaps with some luck the town folk would be rid of them for the spell of a honeymoon. |