Barkeeper |
By Veronica
Body Mesh by Jerome |
Old Willie, the barkeep, never smiled on his patrons.
"Barkeep… send a maid to that table. I have a dyin' man's thirst…"
the seadog said.
O'er the corner, where the lantern light fades, sat two figgurs
with shabby cloaks. The dark one was Francois L'Overture, a Haitian
maroon that had spent his early years in service of the Spanish
Platt. The other was Johannes Houtenpoot (woodenleg), a Dutchman
by way of Tortuga. They were parceling a fine spirit and waiting
for the Captain. They sat a little straighter in their chairs
when he came.
Wooden Legged Pirate with Parrot |
By Heather
Body Meshes by Jerome |
"You spake wit de colonel?" the Haitian asked him.
"We spoke- I spoke," Pete said.
"He's as hard a lubber as ever I saw," Pete said, and lit his pipe.
"Ya got the Colonel, Petey boy? He agrees to the shipment? " asked the peg-leg,
with a laugh and a snort. The Dutchman had the look of several months at sea,
and the smell of it. His voice was gruff.
Barmaid |
Head Mesh by Fionn.
Head Skin by Heather
Body Mesh & Skin by Veronica.
" Keep it down, Peg-leg."
By and by the barmaid came, and flourished her black, perfumed hair across the
table. She spilled some ale on the wooden leg.
"And you are who, pretty?" the Captain asked, grabbing her wrist and twisting it
a little.
" Lucinda…" and she turned her head away.
"Lucinda, I would like to break a bottle of whiskey. Two more ales for my hearties."
SimFreaks.com Flag
(at Ye Old SimFreak Inn) |
By Jimbo/Jenny |
"We have Scotch."
"That'll do…" he said. "I have always despised the spirit Rum. That's why they
call me 'Whiskey Pete.' Do you like whiskey?"
"No," she said with a lamb's face.
"Pity. I would break a bottle with you," and he loosed her wrist. They watched
her leave.
"Aye, that be a fine frau;" said the peg-leg, and his eyes grew wide. "So when
will this happen?"
"He thinks there are ten of us, Peg-leg. We make delivery tomorrow, and it will
look like we leave shore on the same at sundown."
Pirate 2 |
By Veronica |
"And then we hit?"
"We hit only on my mark. Tomorrow evening; I'm not sure of the time."
"De Col-u-nel?" the Haitian leaned over the table, "You know what kind of man he
And a shark's grin crossed the mouth o'Pete… "He's a hard man… I'm counting on