told by Hildy
Rachel hurried down the gangplank, certain that she had only a moment or two before
the others arrived. Hans leaned over the gunwhale:
"Remember, Miss," he whispered loudly," I had nothing to do with this."
Rachel was just about to run around the ship, when the boy called to her again.
Rachel Walks to the Curiosity
Shop |
"Here," he said, "I don't care what they do to me now. Take this.
I can't read, but I think it speaks the mind of my Captain" Quickly,
he tossed something onto the pier. It appeared to be some kind
of journal.
She ran around the pier as fast as she could, and darted across the boardwalk to
the curiosity shop. She took the key from below the windowsill, and locked herself
inside. She sat at the table and began to read; the latest entries were about
crew supplies, and nautical terms she could not understand. Then she read an
entry dated from two weeks prior:
Captain's log:
Captains Log |
By Jerry. Adds to logic. |
I have dumped the barrels of rum that I had been commissioned to transport.
The price I received is less than O'Shea could afford, but the information
I have obtained in exchange may prove one thousand times more valuable.
It appears that during a military foray into Panama some thirty years ago,
Colonel O'Shea, then a mere Captain, discovered the whereabouts of the century
old treasure of Captain Henry Morgan. It is understood by all that the Colonel
has the map in his possession. I have devised that the crew obtain this
map through some diversionary manner. The details are as yet undiscovered.
Rachel shook her head. Her own curiosity had brought misfortune, and had wounded
her father. How excellent.
told by Captain Finn Jones
Pirate Cargo |
By Jimbo/Jenny. Kid's love
this. |
The old guardhouse was well hidden among the groves of cypress trees. The sounds
of frogs filled the night, and the only light was the light from the wharf some
distance behind them, and a small candle in the window of the house. Inigo found
a comfortable spot behind a fat trunk.
"On my word, " said he with a throaty whisper, "open fire. Keep your heads down.
The Colonel says that there may be ten men, and the daughter."
Six men, each with a knife in his teeth and blunderbuss brandished, moved quietly
among the cypress. Inigo crawled along the ground until he arrived 'y the left
corner of the guardhouse, and called into the open window from beside:
"This is Inigo Castillo. I am a retainer of the Colonel. I have full twenty men
around this house. Give us the Colonel's daughter, and you may leave this island
as you came."
A snicker came from inside.
"You will have to do better than that," a fellow inside called. "We have the girl
and we want the map. If you can kill us, you can have her."
"I have the map," Inigo shouted back. All the while, he signaled to his men to
take sundry positions around the old guardhouse.